This Sunday Ipswich BMX Club will be holding two introduction to BMX sessions (1130-1230/1300-1400) at its Landseer Park track
These will be FREE coach led introductions to the exciting sport of BMX racing
British Cycling certified coaches will guide new riders from the start gate, over the jumps and across finish line!
The following criteria must be met before participation:
All participants must be competent cyclists and be able to ride unaided standing up for 50m. They should appropriately dressed by wearing a long sleeve top, full length trousers and trainers.
Ipswich BMX Club has a limited number of helmets and bikes in various sizes that may be borrowed if required. Please note these may have to be shared if demand is high.
There will be a Maximum of 10 riders each session, first come, first served. Coaching consent form must be completed for each rider before taking part.
Food and drink will be available to purchase and club members and volunteers will be on hand to chat and offer helpful advice.
