Work continues improving IBMXC’s facilities at Landseer Park. New signage was fitted to our clubhouse yesterday which we think looks fantastic.
Today saw the final official Tuesday evening practice session of 2021 because of the diminishing light as the evenings draw in. Lots of Ipswich BMX Club members made the most of what light was available and got plenty of laps in their legs in preparation for the East Anglia Regional Championships this Sunday 26th September.
The club are honoured to host the final race of the BMX East’s summer calendar. The event opens at 9:30am with rider check in closing at 11am sharp. Racing begins from noon. Any British Cycling licence holder whose named club is in the BMX East region is eligible to enter. Registration closes on Friday 24th September at 11:30pm here.
The day ends with the world famous East Anglia relay race. Please do not rush home – Even if you’re not taking part, it must be seen to be believed!
Spectators are welcome access to Landseer Park by foot/cycle via all normal entrances. Access by car via Hayman Road. Car parking £3 per vehicle.
Please keep checking our Calendar for forthcoming announcements regarding coaching for IBMXC members and a winter race series, commencing in October and November respectively.